Google reCAPTCHA v3

Security is a major concern for all website owners and one of the main areas of weakness is forms. Google provides reCAPTCHA, a free anti-spam tool that detects abusive traffic on your website and takes suitable action.

One useful feature of reCAPTCHA is that it provides a risk score for each user and allows you to decide what your security threshold should be – therefore filtering out bad traffic, whilst allowing your regular users to carry on as normal.

A new feature of version 3 is that it is invisible to the user as the checkbox has been removed. Instead, the calculation takes place quietly in the background which means the user is not interrupted when using your website.

Google reCAPTCHA can be used in a variety of different contexts aside from contact forms such as user login, eCommerce checkout and customer reviews. Overall, it gives your website some extra security, which gives you peace of mind and gives your users some reassurance and confidence.

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